How To Manage Your Anxiety
By Andrew Parker - January 28, 2022

When dealing with anxiety, it’s important to remember what anxiety actually is. Anxiety isn’t a mental illness in itself; instead, it can be seen as an emotional response to events that are out of your control. Adrenaline is the culprit behind this emotional response because it’s released when you feel threatened or stressed. This chemical basically ramps up your body to either run away or stay and fight whatever it is that’s bothering you. Since you can’t actually escape from your own thoughts, this excess adrenaline creates the physical symptoms of anxiety almost every time you feel anxious. These symptoms include rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, nausea – even dizziness. The more you stress about these symptoms, the more adrenaline your body releases. Well, there’s one way to get rid of this stress and anxiety before it turns into a full-blown panic attack: deep breathing exercises.

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Whenever you feel like you’re going to have a panic attack, sit down in a quiet place and clear your head for 5 minutes. Breathe in for five counts, hold it for seven counts, then exhale slowly for eight counts. This type of breathing slows the production of adrenaline and actually redirects your brain’s attention to the act of breathing itself. This little trick will help to ground you in reality so you can stop thinking about all those things that are stressing you out. Even if you don’t sit down and breathe every time, just remember to do it when you’re feeling anxious before it gets worse. Anxiety and panic attacks go hand in hand for many people. Because of this, it would be logical to assume that managing anxiety would also mean preventing panic attacks.

If you tend to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, it’s best to learn as much as you can about preventing attacks. This way, you’ll be able to avoid certain triggers and reduce your overall anxiety level. There are some tips you can start incorporating into your life. One way to reduce anxiety is to limit caffeine intake. While those drinks might help wake you up in the morning or help you stay alert at work, caffeine is a stimulant. If you’re anxious to begin with, it can make things worse. It’s also important to stay active. Physical activity fights anxiety in two ways. First, it releases feel-good endorphins that act as natural stress relievers. Second, exercise gives your mind something else to focus on besides your anxiety. Of course, panic attack management often requires more than just these tips. If you’re still struggling with regular attacks, consult a mental health professional for further advice. With all the options out there for treating anxiety, chances are good that you’ll find something helpful.