Jay Leno takes interest in Tesla’s upcoming Cybertruck
Tech News
By Admin - June 2, 2020

Sanity ends when it comes to Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla. Tesla has adapted well to the changing world, taking a lead in electric car manufacturing just in time.

In November last year, Elon Musk introduced the Cybertruck. A one of its kind eletric work vehicle! The hype that this “edgy” vehicle generated has had the attention of the retired TV host, Jay Leno, who is also the owner of one of the most prestigious car collections in the world.

In the TV segment, aired by CNBC, we could see Jay Leno in the driving seat and Elon Musk on the passenger side of the Cybertruck. Elon Musk, while discussing the features of the Cybertruck, told Jay Leno all that the new electric vehicle has to offer. When asked about his truck being bulletproof, Elon Musk said he wanted to build a vehicle that could survive an apocalypse, and who doesn’t want their vehicle to be bulletproof?

There still might be certain shortcomings about the truck, and one of them was visible during its launch when its window got shattered by a heavy metal ball. There are also quite a few blind spots in the vehicle that need to be taken care of before it starts rolling off the production line later next year.