The Benefits of Honey
By Claire Miles - January 8, 2022

The health benefits of eating honey are well documented and we’ll look at some research as well as anecdotal evidence. Honey has been used as a folk remedy for centuries and it is still widely accepted as such today. Honey has antibacterial properties, so it’s useful in treating burns and wounds. It also forms a protective barrier to prevent infection. Honey has been found to have various effects as a medicine. As a folk remedy, it’s been used as an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic for wounds and burns, as well as being used as a laxative and cough cure. The World Health Organization has approved the use of honey in treatment for wounds and burns. Honey has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties and is particularly useful in infections such as gastroenteritis or thrush. It is also antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, which means that it reduces the pain associated with cuts and burns.

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However, what has not been so well-publicized is the potential of honey to help fight other serious diseases such as cancer. The evidence for this benefit seems to be mounting up although there is still much that we need to understand about honey and its role in health and disease. Honey can kill bacteria, but it is not an antibiotic. The reason it has the ability to kill bacteria is that its high sugar content makes it very acidic (low PH), which means that bacterial growth cannot be maintained. Honey also contains a number of antioxidants and enzymes that can help fight disease. It is for these reasons that honey has been added to some more recently developed medications such as Leptotrichin, which is used in the treatment of periodontal (gum) infections such as gingivitis and pyorrhea. It also works well on burns and wounds because of its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal qualities.

It has also been reported to help people with chronic cystitis, bladder infections and other urinary tract problems. Honey has long been known to have wound-healing properties because of its antiseptic qualities. The ancient Egyptians used honey in surgical dressings, while the Israelites are believed to have used honey in wound-care preparations when the old city of Jericho was besieged by attacking armies. Honey has been used for thousands of years to treat coughs and is particularly useful when mixed with lemon juice and ginger. In many children’s remedies, honey was combined with aromatic substances such as thyme, garlic, or cinnamon.  Many people use the health benefits of eating honey in combination with bee pollen to improve their nutrition. Even just a teaspoon of either taken daily can result in better health.